Radon Inspections
“There is no such thing
as a home with zero radon.
Over 21,000 non-smoking people die
every year from cancer caused by high levels of radon in their home, more than those killed by drunk drivers
and house fires combined.
To find out if your home is high
in radon, give me a call or text
to schedule an appointment.”
High radon levels in a home can be deadly. A specialized test by a licensed professional is the only way to know for sure if a home is high in radon. This radioactive gas is colorless, tasteless and odorless. Therefore, testing is the only way to know if the radon levels in a home are high. Home radon test kits are available but these often result in inaccurate and misleading results. Therefore, it is recommended to have a licensed professional using EPA calibrated and certified equipment to determine the true radon levels in a home.
With Christman Inspections, LLC you will have the radon measurement test results the day we retrieve the radon detector, not days or weeks later!
Radon is caused by the decay of uranium found in nearly all soil and rocks. There is no such thing as a home with zero radon. The question is how high is the radon level and is the air in the home safe.
Unfortunately, radon gas cannot be predicted based on state or local locations or even a neighbor's home radon levels. Many factors contribute to radon levels in a home. So even if a neighbor's house tests high or low for radon, this is no indication of the radon levels in the home next to it.
The Surgeon General, the EPA, Ohio Department of Health and the West Virginia Department of Health all recommend that every home, of every age and of every construction type be tested for radon.
Testing for radon is inexpensive and is the only way to know for sure if the air in your home is safe.
Know if your home safe or is high in radon. Have it tested today.
If your home or potential home tests high in radon gas, you do not need to move or stop the home buying process! The air in the home can be made safe through proper mitigation by a licensed radon mitigation professional.
Call or text today to schedule your appointment to find out if the air in your home is safe from radon.